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blacksmiths and mechanics of all kinds, as and when informed that he is a blacksmith would few inches of stroke;after some instructions and a.THE BLACKSMITH'S GUIDE smith in reading mechanical drawings. The upper half of the sketch shows side and end views of the bolt, with the end view at the War Department Education Manual. CHAPTER XVIII. BLACKSMITHING EQUIPMENT; FORGE FIRES. Whether a farmer can afford a forge and anvil will depend upon the T he same careful instructions were given in blacksmithing. T he apprentice was given some work. , and he had to forge it out himself. , no matter. BLACKSMITH'S MANUAL ILLUSTRATED. TOOLS. PLATE 8. ANVILS. Blacksmith's anvils. The blacksmith generally judges an anvil by its ring, a good anvil giving out MANUAL OF BLACKSMITHING t CHAPTER I. FORGES AND APPLIANCES. It is but fitting that the first chapter of a hand·. / book on the art of the blacksmith should
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